Here women and men are rebuilt through mindset makeovers and results that last.
Give yourself the opportunity to change your future!
Let go of self-doubt, unhealed scars and fears that holds you back. And instead discover Joy, Healing, Courage, Freedom and Power.
I can give you the tools you need to start living the life you want.

Now it´s the best time to invest in yourself!
I am a Professional Coach and a Therapist. For over three decades I have helped people, like you, who are longing for a better life.
To invest in your personal development will be one of the greatest things you can do!
Do you want to evolve in your personal life, your career, your relations, in your love and feel better?
Do you want to live a life where you are on the right spot, be fulfilled despite your circumstances? Do you feel that you have more to give to this world and that now it´s your time to shine? You don´t have to wait anymore!
Your time is NOW and I am ready and here to help you!
I have a special expertise in Infertility, feel free to read more about that and steal my FREEBIE
in how to lower your stress during infertility.
PM & Vänner 2024
Brunch & Boost for Women
WOW! What an amazing afternoon we had together at PM TAK, Sweden, with Brunch & Boost for Women 14:th January 2024!
3 years in a row now!Here is some of the nice words from you;
“When I listen to you Tina, nothing feels impossible!”
“Very inspiring speak! So great with easy tools to use”!
“A moment of luxury pleasure, because I am worth it!”
“What a warm community of women! Great kick-start and a time to pause!”
“I liked the combination. Amazing surrounding and food and an important boost for all beautiful women!””
1:1 Premiumpackage to your success
Therapy and Coaching
Where do you see yourself in 1 year from now? Or five years from now?
You will arrive somewhere, that´s the truth, but is it where you want to be?
If you are questioning where you are in life, who you are, or who you have become and that doesn´t make you feel the way you want-maybe this is the right TIME for you to learn more about yourself so you can be who you want to be.
Get to know the amazing person you are, with your special gifts and dreams! Don´t let yourself and the world wait any longer for you, NOW IT´S YOUR TIME TO SHINE!
Testimonials from my clients
“When I started my sessions with Tina, my life, my relationship, my worth and my job was at its low point.
I felt lost and didn´t know what I wanted or what to do. Now everything has changed!
Today I am happy and more confident. I have fulfilled many of the dreams I had before.
I enjoy my life with my partner, and I am thriving in my work.Manager, in a international company -
“I went from a stressed-out Single woman to having my dream partner in 6 months!
Tina believes in you, and make it safe to talk about everything.
It helped me relax and find what I was looking for “Coach client -
“It was so valuable for me to see that I was not alone in this.
I have got great tools and insights that I already feel lowers my stress levels”Woman struggling with infertility -
“This has given me new inspiration and energy to face what I am in right now!
Tina, you are amazing as a speaker and you lead the group so that everyone feel safe!”Event member
Are you a High-Performer?
Do you like to push yourself, often reach your goals and love to challenge yourself?
Are you a person acting in the front line? Like a performer, artist, musician, influencer or a media person and maybe have other people around you depending on YOU and what you deliever?
Then you already know how hard it is to navigate through and balance your health, emotions and your state of mind, knowing that you have to deliever on top despite all this.
Too many people are struggling with that balance and they don´t have the right tools to work it out in a healthy, sustainable way.
Tools that; teach you what your body tells you, building a safe foundation of a good self-esteem, know how to say no and be safe with that, see the importance of taking time to fill your cup so you can continue to give out your talents without feeling empty, get all the skills you need to lead yourself in the best way so you can shine from your platform without a burn out.
Have you sometimes delivered so much to others that you forgot to take care of your own needs?
That can drain people and leave feelings of frustration, sadness, anger, disappointment, guilt, fear and shame.
For some it is like somethings breaks inside. But it doesn´t have to be that way!
I want you to succeed! For over 3 decades I have helped people with their body, mind and soul.
As a Coach and Therapist I know how to make peoples eyes shine again.
When you can use your mindset in a healthy and strong way,
you´ll be unstoppable!
Come and work with me!
I have of course professional secrecy.
Online-meetings or if you have a special request, please let me know.
A meeting in a safe and professional environment, where you can be just as you are, be able to drop the mask, and take a closer look at what you are dreaming of or dealing with.